Baltimore, MD. December 20th, 2018.
Hurricane Michael was one of the most intense Atlantic hurricanes to meet land in the United States. The storm hit Mexico and the Florida panhandle between October 8th – October 16th. By October 28th, 60 deaths had been attributed to Hurricane Michael and it caused $14.58 billion in damages.
In an effort to help the many shelters and rescue groups affected by the Hurricane, Puppie Love® created a shirt to raise money for our furry friends in need! Many of you know, Puppie Love’s mission is to facilitate dog adoptions by donating 10% of net profits to animal shelters and rescue organizations. All proceeds from the sale of this particular shirt were donated to two organizations affected by Hurricane Michael. We asked for nominations from our customers, and we received more nominations and support than we could imagine!
The second organization we are donating to is Partners for Pets, based in Marianna, FL. Partners For Pets was founded in 1996 by Mr. Phil Rotolo in efforts to help abandoned animals find loving homes. Partners For Pets is a non profit organization funded by public donations. With the sole purpose of finding loving homes for abandoned and unwanted animals .
Partners for Pets suffered tremendous damage from the Hurricane. Puppie Love is sending $1000 to help Partners for Pets recoup from the damages. The group’s Facebook page shows most of the updates and the wonderful community that assisted, volunteered, and donated to help get Partners for Pets up and running again. The organization had 3 FHP troopers who were deployed from Ft. Meyers to assist in the storm area. The day they were returning home they stopped in to drop off pet supplies they carried in their cars for victims of the storm. They donated what was left to Partners for Pets; but two of them left with a little extra. They fell in love with two of their storm pups and ended up adopting them. The group absolutely loved it and sent them home with lots of goodies for their new furbabies!
Learn more about the organization and how you can help on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/PartnersForPetsMariannaFl/